
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Celebrate Easter: Bunny Bum Applique

I've been seeing such cute Easter things in stores lately--dishes, cloth napkins and guest towels. We're moving in a few months so it doesn't make sense to stock up on lots of seasonal things that I'm just going to have to store. Soo...I decided to get going on an easy bunny applique for...well, anything you can get under the presser foot.
I quickly sketched it out in two sizes and uploaded it as a PDF for you, personal use only please. The larger size is perfect for a hand or kitchen towel and the smaller size is great for a fun t-shirt!

You can print or download the template here:
Bunny Bum Template

I usually do applique one way, back the fabric shape with interfacing then cover raw edges with a really dense, wide zig zag stitch: like THIS. For this project, I decided to try a different way. I used freezer paper to press the raw edges under 1/8 to 1/4 inch so that I would have more options as far as how to apply the shape to the garment (because I won't have to worry about the applique unraveling.) You could do a chunky running stitch or blanket stitch by hand with embroidery thread, or use the machine to do a blanket stitch around the edge, like I did.

You need:
Freezer paper
fabric scraps
small pieces of fleece or felt (tails)
fusible interfacing
fabric glue stick (water soluble)

Here Goes:
1) Print and cut out your bunny bum template. Pin it to your chosen fabric scrap, use a fabric marker to trace around the template adding an 1/8 to 1/4 inch all the way around.
2) Next trace the template onto freezer paper (don't add any extra) and cut it out. With shiny side down, iron the freezer paper bunny onto the back of your fabric bunny.

3) Next, all the way around the shape, make small cuts in the fabric, stopping at the freezer paper so that it will fold and overlap more easily around the curves. For the ears, don't snip the very end, press that down first then fold in the other edges and press. (See below). 

Once you're finished pressing, you'll have this: (freezer paper still attached)

4) If you're doing the t-shirt, turn the shirt inside out and attach a piece of interfacing to cover the area you will be applique'ing.

5) To prepare the bunnies for applique, peel away the freezer paper, dab the fabric glue stick under your creased edges and press them down. Next, add a few more dabs of glue around the edges of your applique and position the bunny on the right side of the  t-shirt, use a pin and to tuck under any stray threads. I dragged my pin through the glue every once in a while and used that to help tuck under. Once that's finished, secure the bunny with a few pins then stitch applique to the shirt. If you are using the machine, remember to decrease your thread tension before sewing, it really helps things not to bunch or wrinkle as you sew.

6) Now for the tails! I used small pieces of fuzzy felt from Joann's (leftover from my Santa costume), but regular felt or fleece or even a couple layers of white jersey could work--anything that doesn't fray. Cut out a "roundish" shape (too round isn't quite as cute). Then just use white thread to attach. I tried to smooth the fuzz away from my stitches as I sewed so that they would be hidden once I fluffed it back up. You can barely see them at all.

I love it! I stayed away from pastels because I don't enjoy them and I wanted to keep it boyish.

P loves it too!

Since I was on a roll (P took a 3 and a half hour nap today, woohoo!), I went ahead and whipped up a hand towel too. I had a plain white, cotton towel lying around so I used the same method as above to attach a fun, bright colored bunny. I think the tail is too round, I'll probably switch it out for a better one. Still, I like the bright floral (a fabric I don't get to use very often with a boy) and it seems very springy!

Happy Easter!

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