
Friday, February 11, 2011

Taggie and the funniest picture in the world...

I made a toy for Baby P this week. He's completely obsessed with tags on toys-they're more exciting than the toys themselves. He examines them and chews them, you name it. There are actually toys called "tag blankets" or "taggies" catering to this infantile interest in tags. Just a little blanket with pieces of ribbon, etc... sticking out of the edges. So rather than buying one, I raided my fabric and ribbon stash and made one.

Blue and brown fabric on one side...

Fun yellow on the other...

I think he likes it.

There's a good chance he woke up from his nap two seconds before this...

He definately loves it...

Now, are you ready for the funniest picture in the entire world? I cannot look at it without laughing my head off. Baby P was smiling really big then the flash accidentally went off and I think he tried to close his eyes and look away, but resulted in the weirdest face I have ever seen on a baby. For reals...

I'm putting it way down here so you have to scroll down to see it.

1 comment:

  1. That taggie you made is adorable! I kinda want one...

    Are you sure you didn't photoshop those pics haha? He looks like a little man in the one with the taggie and OMG I wouldn't have even recognized him in the crazy one!
