
Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Recap

Can you believe Christmas is over?! I can't!

It's very strange being in a warm climate for Christmas and New Years. Christmas has always meant winter, bundling up in blankets, sipping hot beverages, wearing scarves and gloves! Here in New Orleans it is 75 degrees outside. That's right, P and I wore shorts and t-shirts to the park last week. People here have poinsettias OUTSIDE! In KY, we had to wrap the poinsettias in plastic just to walk from the car to the house to keep them from shriveling instantly. People here try so hard to make things look "wintery" with evergreen wreaths and garlands on the front of their houses, the problem is that all of it has been scorched by the burning rays of the sun so now the evergreen is a strawlike yellow. At the mall, they decorated with fake snow around the bases of the poinsettias which were planted in the ground (outside). Yes, it's all a big winter charade here. Folks wear gloves, scarves and heavy coats when it hits a chilly 55.

This year, we traveled to Kentucky for Christmas. P needed really warm clothes so I decided on these corduroy longalls for Christmas day. I wanted knee patches for fun decoration, but also because I knew he would be crawling around all over the floor playing with new toys, cousins, Papa and my brothers. I love fabric covered buttons so I added those as well. 

The back of the overalls have a little buttoned belt. 

Here's P enjoying some Christmas morning brunch! Well, he was enjoying the fruit anyway. :)

Grammy and Grampa (and Santa) surprised P with a slide, he was in heaven!

 It ended up being beautiful and warm on Christmas day. We played outside and visited the horses and cows.

We had a great Christmas this year! The one damper was that P had a bad cold and on Christmas Adam (that's the day before Christmas Eve :) he woke up from his nap with his poor little eyes all red and weepy. He was pitiful! Thankfully we were able to get him on some antibiotics that night so he felt a million times better by Christmas Eve. I'm praying that he didn't pass it along to the cousins who are visiting Disney this week. By this week hubby and I were able to laugh about it, W even wished me a "Merry Pinkeye Christmas."

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