
Friday, January 13, 2012

Recipe for Cutting a Toddler's Hair


Four dum-dum suckers: One per grubby little fist (x 2)

One episode of Sesame Street

One high chair with five point harness

2-4 Hands

One sharp pair of scissors

Lots of agility to keep tiny fingers and/or dum-dum suckers away from aforementioned scissors
      -I recommend an intensive training regimen in preparation. (i.e. hot potato,
       Dutch Blitz, Scrabble slam)

One well-rested toddler

More than a few pinches of patience

Haircutting Skill


  1. You made this recipe when you cut Seth's hair in college right? ;)

  2. Hannah says (not Justin).. haha...Way to dive in to the "Mom cuts" for boys. Piet's hair looks great! I've got to figure out how to get the back in layers like a boy.... Maybe I should do a first professional job and then follow their cut. It makes me a little nervous going from long to short all by myself.
