
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Knitathon: Chevron Baby Blanket

I finally finished my chevron blanket for the new baby! It actually didn't take that long to knit, but I was scared of binding off so it sat around with one row missing for about 2 months. This fear turned out to be totally unfounded, binding off was a snap!

AND!! I love it! The cotton feels so thick and luxurious.

The colors are so vibrant, especially with the combo of cool colors and warm's got a little ombre thing going, I think :)

Does this remind anyone else of a sunrise? With the bright orange sun peeking over a serene ocean of blues with white capped waves...

Ok, ok, I'll stop. But really, learn to knit and go make this blanket. You, your baby or the recipient (if you make it for a gift) will be thrilled with the results! 

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